Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Racial Harmory Day

       Racial Harmory Day is important because people can live in harmory and there will not be riots. The main purpose of celebrating Racial Harmory is that other different races will understand about other people's race. We must not only respect our race, but also respect other people's race. Different races have different culture. By celcbrating racial harmory day, we can know different kind of their culture.
       An event that happened this week is the Fushion Dance. There were different races dancing together which includes Malay, Chinese and India. This can show that they don't care about each other race. Instead, they dance together. The dance was very entertaining beacause they danced very beatifully. During the morning flag rising, we also recited the pledge in many different language such as Malay and Chinese and I never tried it before in my primary school.
       My thought about Racial Harmory Day is very fun because we can learned about other people culture. I think it is good to celebrate Racial Harmory Day because this will stop racistism. It will be good mermory for me by spending time and play together during Racial Harmory Day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vivo City

   Title: I can't stop laughing!!
                        Captions: When this boy is playing in the playground, he seem to be enjoying himself as his expression say so.
   Title: Splash Splash!!
                    Captions: This girl is playing the water and she seem to be enojoying herself. Even though her clothes are wet, but she doesn't seem to be cold.
    Title: I hope that.............
                          Captions: This boy is sitting on the chair, closing his eyes, wishing about something.......
             Title: I'm so thirsty........
                     Captions: This little boy is drinking alot of water as he seem to be very thirsty as he is playing at the playground.
       Title: Nice to meet you :)
                  Captions: This boys seem to be very curious when the moment I was taking the photo of him and he look quite friendly, as if he want to be my friend.